
Friday, 15 November 2019

Support Staff Day

fun time with my whanau

As we felt the orangi sand me and my whanau bought our beach stuff out of our van and went to find a shady tree it was hard  because there were no trees around than my little sister and my older brother found a tree my mum came walking  and said this is a nice place let's set up the sun tent

Than as soon as we finished we quickly said to my mum can we go play in the water she said yes only on one condition we have to be in her sight so we ran fast into the bush and changed I tricked my 2 sisters and my older brother saying that there were poo in the bush so i  changed and ran to sand and into the water my little sisters didn't want to go than I said it was a joke so they ran in with out there swimming togs and just ran in with their clothes so it was left my older brother he didn't want to swim because he will drown.

Then along came my older older brother in is 4x4 holder rage truck all waxed he  has been working for MC Donald he came with his girlfriend Lizzy and came with  3 share boxes so he gave me $10 and his girlfriend gave me $5 than my older older brother called in to my two sisters to eat I Wasn't  hungry so i put my money in my jacket and ran in to the sea.  they said they would save a burger and some left over chips for me than

After 2 minutes my sisters felt cold they went into the bush and changed into their swimming togs so i felt a little hungry so i went to change and ate my burger and then my older older brother said he had to go to work because he has a night shift so than he help us Detached the sun tent and went to store it in the van than he went to drop his girlfriend to his house than we went home and than put my $15 in my Piggy bank.
Image result for 3  share boxes

Friday, 2 August 2019

lol maths

Walt:solve addition and subtraction using place value partitioning




lol dog

we were all sitting and then this happened in the park

when you try your best but you succeed

the life life cycle of in mosquito

General statement

Mosquitoes are the most dangerous living insects that suck your blood and when they bite they spread a virus called  chikungunya fever chikungunya fever is a dangerous disease that gives you headache rash fever and joint pain and vomiting


Mosquitoes are born in little eggs that look like seeds the stick in wet containers like glue then after several months they hatch into larva Larvae are aquatic into pupae and develop in as little as 5 days

Then after several months they turn into pupae. Pupae live in water from 1 to 4 days, depending upon species and
temperature. The pupa is lighter than water and float at the surface. It takes oxygen through two breathing tubes called "trumpets." The pupa does not eat, but it is not an inactive stage.

After 1 year they turn into an adult mosquito and starts biting people the end 

Friday, 26 July 2019

what makes rain into the atmosphere.

They take heat from the oceans and convert it to the energy of their winds. They're taking thermal energy and making mechanical energy out of it.” The natural engine that is a hurricane is fuelled by warm, moist air. The storms move heat from the ocean surface high into Earth's atmosphere.

General statement

 Scientists have spent lots of time trying to find all the different species on Earth, but according to a recent study, less than 15 percent of the 8.7 million species have been discovered.  Apparently 86 percent of the planet's species are still unknown to us and other species


At any time, it is estimated that there are 10 million (10,000,000) individual insects alive. In the United States, the number of described species is 91,000. The undescribed species of insects in the United States, however, is estimated at some 73,000.

Insects somehow helpful like cockchafer,bee,wasp and even stick insect. Thank you

Monday, 24 June 2019

What makes rain

 Precipitation - What makes clouds, rain, snow, hail and sleet. When warm, wet air rises, it cools, and water vapor condenses out to form clouds. A cloud is made up of small drops of water or ice crystals, depending on its height and how cold is the surrounding air.

What forms a flood

The amount of water that flows into the region in front of the dam usually exceeds the amount of water that region can disperse quickly, so flooding occurs, a phenomenon known as a flash flood.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Opening statement

Tornadoes is another name for vortex it is so powerful there are so many different tornado like blazing fire vortex black storm tornado and a sand storm. Tornado are cyclone it suck things in to it and it make it bigger bigger and stops when the wind is cold

The most violent tornadoes come from super cells, large thunderstorms that have winds already in rotation. ... Tornadoes form when warm, humid air collides with cold, dry air. The denser cold air is pushed over the warm air, usually producing thunderstorms. The warm air  rises through the colder air, causing an up draft.

Friday, 14 June 2019

Book week in school

Thank you SAM and Lydia for coming to our school. we hope to see you again next year

This week was book week there was a play performed in our school hall on Tuesday .

The play was about the treasure hunt that has been written by Craig Christie.

There were two tribes living on an island these two tribes blamed each other for stealing each other song

The tree land tribe was led by George and the seaview tribe was led by Jessica these two characters teamed up to solve the problem about the lost treasure which was their song
 the problem was solved when they were able to put the torn map  together and work out how to get to the treasure.they had to read three different books to solve the problem .

I really enjoyed this play because both of the characters were very smart and talented . they sang very well and were also very hilarious .
Image result for treasure hunt book week 2019

Friday, 17 May 2019

. Wk3-t2-walt: identify the main ideas in the text we read and make meaning of what we read

This article is about how a photographer named Paul Sorrel was able to take close up pictures of the tomtits [komiromiro] birds at Orokonui Ecosanctuary.
Paul had to study the habits of this cute little birds. He found a good spot in the bush.He went there many times and was able to get a lot of photos

Paul used some very special equipment to help him take the photos. He used a long lens, tripod, digital recorder and a bird caller. The long lens helped him get closer shots of the birds. The tripod help to keep the camera steady .The voice recorder helped by getting the birds closer
Image result for tomtit

Thursday, 16 May 2019

150 - 60 = 90
97 - 9 = 88

800 - 300 = 500
560 - 70 = 490
491 - 7 = 484

Today the senior school had its first kiwi sport session for this term Ben from Auckland badminton taught us some badminton skills.we used a badminton racket and a shuttle we learnt how to hit the shuttle using a forearm hit and backhand hit .Ben also taught us how to hold the racket using different grips.

Image result for badminton cartoon gif

Friday, 10 May 2019

I am feeling grateful about taking part in cultural activities at school this term. today I picked two cultural groups that I want to be in. My first choice was Fijian and I picked kiwi can jam as my second choice I can't wait for week 3
Image result for jam sandwichImage result for fijian boys

Friday, 3 May 2019

Being cybersmart

to me cybersmart is to not to sharing your name age birth address and sea-crest to a starng 

the weekend

On saturday I went to a nice sunny beach and we toke lemoned and some hotdog´s. I went with my family members we were having fun in the water but there was a crab that clicked my baby sister toe and she started to cry so we went home and try to make her go to sleep. So she was sleeping and then my mum

turbo touch

today we went outside to play turbo touch are coach name was mark  we had to warm up by a game 1-

Anzac day poem

Image result for anzac day gif
Australian and new Zealand's fought
together for there countries

Nervous scared families at home wondering
what is happening

Zooming soldiers lied about their age to
go to war

Armies gather together to fight the Anzac
 but  was to strong

Can not lie but many lives were lost it has
to this day we pray to who die

Walt:we are learning addition

 Walt:we are learning addition
Image result for math gif

2. 2314+4361=

3.234 -334=100

40 -80=40

Friday, 5 April 2019

Once upon a time, there was an old man who lived in a lighthouse that was surrounded by rocks and a small village. He was the lighthouse keeper and lived alone.  One night he was writing in his book and the strong wind blew out his candle. He shut the window and then he heard a crash from above, so he went to see what had happened.

The lights went out and he was shocked  because he saw the boat was heading towards the rocks. He had to save the ship from hitting the rocks. He asked all his friends, family to bring up lanterns with fire in it they all light the whole lighthouse to save the ship. The ship saw the bright lanterns and turned away from the sharp rocks. The lighthouse keeper was happy.

In the weekend on a sunny day the wind was helping me cool down It was miracle because
We went on a far ride to go to motet we saw olden stuff from the olden days they showed us the engines and the big guns so we started to muck around  and play on the olden day trains

The trains were a little big and old and black it was uncomfortable  because the seats were hard we 

Yesterday we met Mr. Munich from red cross. He told us breathing choking and how to save and  people from dyeing. We have learnt to unblock the airways with the tongue to make people come to life.Then he told us if someone’s bones are broken it has to on cast.

In the holidays my mum told us to cook dinner for her. So we went to the farm secondly we saw the farmer killing chicken so the farmer gave us a gun to shoot the pig i had a small magnum and some gloves to wear with the gun to target to pig and shoot it.

Next we put the pig in a large box it was big the pig could fit in it we ` lifted into the van and went to get wood I had to stay in the van so I didn't get hurt.
My dad was wearing gear he climbed up to the very top

In the holidays my mum told us to cook dinner for her. So we went to the farm secondly we saw the farmer killing chicken so the farmer gave us a gun to shoot the pig i had a small magnum and some gloves to wear with the gun to target to pig and shoot it.

Next we put the pig in a large box it was big the pig could fit in it we ` lifted into the van and went to get wood I had to stay in the van so I didn't get hurt.
My dad was wearing gear he climbed up to the very top and 
Related image

Friday, 29 March 2019

Home is where I play on my xbox.
pleasure pleasure pleasure.
On those days
when we don't have school
I get ready to play on my xbox
cool cool cool.
My mum is kind
when I ask if I can play
on my  xbox she says
fine fine fine.
Every weekend I play on my xbox with my friends

Yesterday, my class went to Kiwi sports to learn how to play tennis. When we got there, a man  told us what to do. He told us buddy up with someone  and grab a ball and take it to the white line and bob down and listen to his instructions. and when he said ball we had to grab the ball and how ever got the ball got the point it was fun.

After we played the ball game we played some l tenecethe the man also told as how to hit the ball he said to do a underarm hit. After we play a 1v1 it was my friend mena vs me. We played it first to ten and i lost by two points and mena won after my friends came hayden and armen we played 2v2 this time it was me and hayden vs armen and mena we played  the points up to 15. In the game when my team had one more point and the other team had four more points to go the other team was serving when armen served he made it go out and hayden and me won the game. Then we sat on the floor and the kiwi sport teacher told us how we good we did and he also told us to keep on playing and tennis. 

Dear mum and dad,

Mum all these years you have been cooking food for us, I love you mum when you cook chopsuey for us to
eat and dad I love how you cook yummy pig with spicy curry. It is so yum!!!!

You also buy us  clothes, shoes games and an Xbox 1.

I love you mum and dad.  I just love you much more than anything else in the world.

Your son

For two weeks has been studying about statistic our focus question what is the ethnic makeup of glenbrae we work in groups of four we get in a interviu to find ethnic makeup of our class we have 11 tongans 3 nz maoris 6 Samoans 6 c.i Maoris 1 chinese 1 indias
Firefighters are people who are trained to put out fire. They are also trained to rescue people and animals in dangerous situations.
 Firefighters put out fires in  buildings they #1 spray water from long hoses
Onto the flames the hoses are connected to water tanks on the fire trucks or to fire hydrants nearby.

Firefighters wear special uniforms. Their uniforms are made from material that does not burn easily. They wear hard hats thick gloves and strong boots for protection

Firefighters rescue people and animals from burning buildings and from dangerous floodwaters. They also rescue people who are trapped in vehicles at road accident
Many firefighters teach people how to prevent fires and how to stay safe when there's fire.
Firefighters are important people in the community.

Friday, 8 February 2019

Who am i

My name is joshua i go to
Glenbrae school to room
10 with mr nath
I am 9 years old

I am a tongan boy my fathers
Name is alex my mums is name
Sia i have 3 brothers 4
Sister and a baby

And my favourite
Food is lasagna and and my favourite color is red