
Thursday, 16 April 2020

scary forest

100 Scary Forest Encounters – Dndspeak

It was a long day from work i got extremely tired so i called it a day and packed my things shoved it in my briefcase and walked right out of the building it was about 10 stories tall so it made me lazyer 
It didn't have an elevator so as soon as I reached the bottom I got my keys and started the car and quickly drove to the highway. on the middle of the highway a construction site  had to stop the car heading for them and  told them to head to the other rout and go  through the dark forest  so i argued with them one of the construction men shouted go away or we call the police so i took the other rout it was go to take forever so i took a road with leads me to a dark forest.

It was kind of hard to keep on track but then my car ran out of fuel i was in the middle of nowhere i started to look around and then something caught my attention i saw an old Shack 
It had no roof just wide so i went in side all i saw was old furniture in a scary movie so i was looking through the draws and doors four any gas but then i stumbled on a door that said no trespasses i tried to unlock in but it Wouldn't Barge so i went back to the car and pull out a crowbar and went back to the shack and tried to break through but still didn't open i tried  breaking the door and it worked i open the door i saw 10 cans of petrol and so i threw it all out  the door and when i was ready i filled up my gas tank than i started car all of a sudden   i saw someone standing in front of the exit .

I was face to face with a unknown man he had ripped clothes a scars on his face and a greezy bread as soon as i Approached i shouted GET OUT OF THE WAY he still didn't hear
I honked at him and just as he moved I drove off the dirt road and looked back. He started to run with an old pipe. I was so scared I hit the gas pedal. I drove back as fast as I could. Once I made it I lost track of the man. 

I swear never go back to the forest again


  1. This is a pretty good story i don't even think i could write something like that to be honest keep on writing these there pretty good!

  2. Hi Joshua that was a really great story next time you could add more punctuation.

    from Brayden

  3. Hi Joshua, Max from Paroa School.
    This is an awesome story. It had so many twists and turns. Maybe next time put your punctuation in the right places. Keep up the good work.

  4. yeah i will try


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