General statement
Mosquitoes are the most dangerous living insects that suck your blood and when they bite they spread a virus called chikungunya fever chikungunya fever is a dangerous disease that gives you headache rash fever and joint pain and vomiting
Mosquitoes are born in little eggs that look like seeds the stick in wet containers like glue then after several months they hatch into larva Larvae are aquatic into pupae and develop in as little as 5 days
Then after several months they turn into pupae. Pupae live in water from 1 to 4 days, depending upon species and
temperature. The pupa is lighter than water and float at the surface. It takes oxygen through two breathing tubes called "trumpets." The pupa does not eat, but it is not an inactive stage.
After 1 year they turn into an adult mosquito and starts biting people the end